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Press Releases
October 28, 2021
Oceana urges Mediterranean countries to make fisheries more transparent and sustainable
The organisation calls on Mediterranean countries to make information on authorised fishing vessels public, to help identify those that fish illegally Oceana proposes new 800km² fishery closure to protect exceptional deep-sea corals between Spain and Morocco Oceana is urging the member countries of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) to improve fisheries management…
October 13, 2021
AGRIFISH: Some Baltic fish still in crisis as the EU starts to consider ecosystem impacts
Following the EU AGRIFISH Council press conference today, NGOs expressed disappointment that Member State fisheries ministers again haggled all night to raise Baltic fishing limits for 2022 above the European…
July 19, 2021
Oceana urges UK and EU to end overfishing of critically low fish stocks in new agreement
Oceana is calling for an end to the overfishing of severely overexploited fish stocks in European waters as negotiations between the EU and UK start today under the Specialised Fisheries…
July 1, 2021
Oceana calls for strong political leadership to implement new 2030 Mediterranean fisheries strategy
Ahead of the adoption on 9th July of a new 2030 strategy for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Oceana is calling on fisheries ministers from the Mediterranean…
June 24, 2021
Advice by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) released today shows that reducing bottom-trawling efforts by 26% could result in protecting 70% of Europe’s Atlantic sea…
June 20, 2021
Overfishing rate back on the rise after a decade of recovery
Brussels. The rate of overfishing has increased in European waters, according to today’s report by the European Commission on the state of play of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Oceana…
June 18, 2021
New data shows 10% increase in total trawling hours in UK benthic MPAs in 2020, despite COVID19 On World Oceans Day, 8 June 2021, marine conservation groups call on the…
June 2, 2021
The EU and the UK have at last reached their first annual agreement concerning their shared fish populations, setting quotas for over 75 commercial fish stocks and adopting provisions for…
May 28, 2021
EU must respond to Baltic Sea ecosystem and fisheries crash with urgent, radical measures
Responding to today’s publication of annual scientific advice for 2022 EU fishing limits in the Baltic Sea by ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea), a group of…
May 25, 2021
Oceana urges bold action to ban bottom-trawling in Europe’s ‘protected’ areas
Oceana is calling on Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to support a ban on bottom trawling, the most harmful and unselective fishing gear, in all EU marine protected areas…