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Press Releases
February 1, 2023
New report: EU must accelerate transition to a low-carbon, resilient fishing sector
Solutions identified for reducing fleet emissions would help achieve climate targets Brussels – As the European Commission prepares to publish a strategy to accelerate the energy transition in the EU…
December 20, 2022
EU and UK turn their back on the most vulnerable fish
Today the EU and UK have reached an agreement on 76 catch limits for their shared fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea for 2023. The agreement resulted…
December 13, 2022
The Mediterranean and European eel have proven particularly contentious issues Brussels – Today, EU ministers at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting (AGRIFISH) have reached an agreement on fishing opportunities…
November 21, 2022
Blue NGOs urge Council ministers not to let fish become a distant memory
Brussels – To mark World Fisheries Day, environmental NGOs created a visual reminder of how large and plentiful fish once were, outside the Council meeting of EU agriculture and fisheries…
November 7, 2022
Climate and biodiversity crises leave no room for error in fish talks
NGOs urge UK and EU to end overfishing and set 2023 catch limits in line with scientific advice Today the EU and the UK are starting formal negotiations for the…
June 22, 2022
Today, the European Commission presented its legislative proposal on nature restoration, a new law with binding targets to restore degraded land and marine ecosystems across the EU. This is a…
June 1, 2022
No improvement for collapsed stocks – time for a reboot in the Baltic Sea
Responding to yesterday’s publication of annual scientific advice for 2023 fishing limits in the Baltic Sea by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), a group of…
May 31, 2022
Good progress in Atlantic, but slower in Mediterranean Oceana recommends measures for most depleted stocks and forage fish Brussels – Reacting to today’s European Commission (EC) communication on the sustainability…
May 3, 2022
Strasbourg – Today, in an important step for the protection of the ocean and the climate, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) adopted amendments which call on the European Union to…
April 26, 2022
Just after the UK’s announcement to protect two areas of English waters by banning damaging fishing activities such as bottom trawling, it will be the European Parliament’s turn to show…