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Press Releases
May 25, 2023
Oceana model shows extent of plastic crisis on the seabed
Oceana today released an advanced computational model that predicts the pathways and accumulation zones for plastic waste in the ocean, demonstrating that plastic travels long distances, not only at the…
November 30, 2022
Oceana: EU Commission’s proposal could be key to tackling ocean plastic pollution at the source
The new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation proposal advocates for deposit return systems across the EU and binding targets for reusable packaging, key measures to reduce marine litter Oceana regrets…
September 15, 2022
Waste has a double impact on organisms such as molluscs, algae, sponges and corals, which form habitats on which hundreds of species depend Most are legally protected because of their…
September 2, 2022
Grønne NGO’er: Ny aftale om emballage er bedre end frygtet, men uambitiøs
Miljøminister Lea Wermelin og et bredt flertal i Folketinget har netop indgået en politisk aftale, der betyder, at producenter af emballage fremover bliver ansvarlige for håndteringen af deres produkter, når…
June 17, 2022
Oceana expedition to Alboran Sea uncovers underwater oasis and ‘wasteland’
Gathered data will also support advocacy efforts to ban bottom trawling in European Marine Protected Areas Single-use plastics, abandoned fishing gear, and untreated waste most common pollutants found in seven-day…
April 13, 2022
Oceana launches campaign to promote refillable bottles and reduce single-use plastics
Oceana’s new international campaign #RefillAgain calls on leading beverage companies to offer refillable bottles for their clients and reduce single-use plastic What’s worse than single-use jeans? Single-use plastic bottles. American…
December 7, 2021
Oceana finds plastics in all marine habitats analysed in Valencia and Mallorca in low season
Oceana scientists and divers have found plastics in all the underwater ecosystems they analysed in the low-season in two of the Spanish coastal areas most popular with tourists, Valencia and…
June 24, 2021
Refillable systems could prevent 390,000 coffee cups from entering the sea in Denmark every year
Oceana estimates that around 390,000 single-use coffee cups discarded in Denmark end up in the marine environment annuallyDanes use 300 million plastic cups and 150 million food containers each yearA…
April 28, 2021
Danish Parliament fails to set ambitious measures to curb Single-Use Plastics
The Danish Parliament missed a key opportunity to curb the flood of single-use plastics that are suffocating our ocean. Instead of introducing binding targets and measures to support refillable options…
April 14, 2021
Survey commissioned by Oceana shows that Danes overwhelmingly support the reduction of single-use plastics and champion reusable alternatives Research also finds that over 90% of interviewees believe disposable plastics should…