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Press Releases
January 21, 2016
NGOs welcome EU move to fight illegal fishing through vessel numbering scheme
Today, the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Oceana and WWF welcomed a new European Commission requirement that all EU fishing vessels, and foreign vessels fishing in EU waters, need to have…
November 17, 2015
Oceana is deeply disappointed that the 49 Contracting Parties present at the 24th Regular meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) have failed to address…
November 10, 2015
Oceana requests ICCAT to sail beyond bluefin tuna and take care of swordfish and sharks
OCEANA urges the Contracting Parties of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) – the organisation responsible for highly migratory species in the Atlantic and adjacent waters…
November 3, 2015
One out of three fish served in Brussels is not what consumers pay for
DNA analysis conducted by Oceana shows widespread consumer deceit, including EU institutions’ canteens in which 38% of seafood tested was mislabeled Bluefin tuna, sole and cod are substituted by species…
October 1, 2015
European Commission Praised for Warning the Comoros and Taiwan, PoC on Illegal Fishing
BRUSSELS—The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Oceana, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and WWF commended the European Commission today for issuing an official warning—known as a “yellow card”—to the Comoros and Taiwan,…
September 24, 2015
Oceana estimates illegal swordfish landings cost Italy more than €25 million every year
Oceana deplores that the European Union continues to ignore Mediterranean swordfish overfishing despite world renowned fisheries scientists pointing out that Italy has failed to report around 41,000 tons in total…
June 19, 2015
Multa record inflitta a coloro che approfittano della pesca illegale
Oggi 19/06/2015 il governo spagnolo ha annunciato[1] multe fino a un massimo di 11 milioni di Euro contro i cittadini spagnoli, comprese le società coinvolte nella pesca Illegale, Non dichiarata…
June 19, 2015
Verhängung von Strafzahlungen in Rekordhöhe gegen Nutzniesser illegaler Fischerei
Die spanische Regierung hat heute[1] angekündigt, dass die Verhängung von Strafzahlungen gegen spanische Staatsangehörige und Unternehmen, die in illegale, nicht gemeldete und nicht regulierte Fischerei (IUU) verwickelt sind, eine Höhe…
June 19, 2015
Amendes record infligées aux bénéficiaires de la pêche illicite
Le gouvernement espagnol a annoncé aujourd’hui[1], (19 juin 2015), des sanctions qui pourraient atteindre plus de 11 millions d’euros infligées à des ressortissants espagnols, y compris des entreprises impliquées dans…
June 19, 2015
Record-breaking fines imposed on beneficiaries of illegal fishing
The Spanish Government has today[1] announced penalties that could reach more than 11 million Euros against Spanish nationals, including companies involved in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.An EU coalition…