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Press Releases
August 19, 2013
Oceana has voiced its satisfaction at the exemplary decision taken by the European Commission to fine the French government 57 million euros for having allowed the capture and commercialisation of…
August 19, 2013
In view of the alarming increase in detentions of Spanish fishing vessels by the coastguards of a variety of countries due to their illegal fishing activities – on this particular…
August 19, 2013
Oceana calls on Fisheries Ministers to halt the decline in Europe’s fisheries
As the annual negotiations to set fishing quotas for next year approach, Oceana urges Ministers not to dodge the difficult decisions that need to be made in order to prevent…
August 19, 2013
Oceana asks the World Trade Organisation to withdraw subsidies for destructive fisheries
At the ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) held in Hong Kong between 13 and 18 December, Oceana called on representatives of the countries present and the Director…
August 19, 2013
Oceana calls for the closure of the “dirtiest” fisheries in the EU
A fleet of barely 20 fishing vessels manages to discard each year between 2,000 and 15,000 tonnes of anglerfish, generate more than 1,000 kilos of waste and “ghost nets” and…
August 19, 2013
The detention by Norwegian patrols of two vessels flying Spanish flags, apprehended while catching Greenland halibut, has once again highlighted the wide-ranging practice of rogue fishing by companies that have…
August 19, 2013
Galician businessman Antonio Vidal, indicted by the EE.UU. authorities for pirate fishing
The Galician businessman, Antonio Vidal, has been indicted by the US Administration for attempting to fraudulently enter into that country’s market some 25,000 kilos of fish protected by international conventions,…
August 19, 2013
The EU Council of Fisheries Ministers is to debate next week the management of Mediterranean fisheries.Oceana condemns the fact that the EU has spent tens of millions of Euros in…
August 19, 2013
Oceana reports dozens of illegal italian driftnetters fishing in the Thyrrenian Sea
Along the last three weeks, the Oceana Ranger catamaran has sailed a thousand miles in the Thyrrenian sea, close to the south Italian and Sicilian coasts. The Ranger crew has…
August 19, 2013
Oceana intercepts two italian boats fishing with illegal driftnets
Last Friday, the research catamaran Oceana Ranger intercepted two boats using driftnets, which were fishing making use of that gear, which is prohibited by the European Union, and which even…