Natividad Sánchez

Director of Communications, Europe

Oceana Staff

Being born in central Spain, during my first years I believed that the sea was a playground. The sea meant to me a Mediterranean, sandy beach where I learnt to swim and to build castles. And then one year I met the Atlantic, the fishing boats coming in and out of port, the fascination of tides, the cold water and the smell of the ocean. And it was eye-opening.
I have worked during most of my career in communications – first in several outlets, then in a PR agency and ultimately with Oceana. I have a degree in Journalism and another one in Anthropology. I spent several years reporting on business and leading corporate communications for a number of clients, until I started to look for something that wouldn’t serve the particular interests of others.
The combination of scientific research and environmental advocacy that Oceana provided attracted me, and I couldn’t believe it when I was called for a job interview. I feel very privileged for having access to images of the deep sea and for being able to use the vast knowledge of my colleagues in support of my communications work. At Oceana, there is always a lot to be done and people willing to help out.
Far from the ocean, books, cactus and sightseeing make me happy.