Marine Cusa
Policy Advisor
Oceana Staff

Marine, who conveniently happens to be a marine biologist, spent ten years of her childhood growing up on a sailboat. Needless to say, these adventures at sea shaped the person she is today and nurtured a deep desire to study and protect the ocean.
She holds a PhD in marine science, an MSc in Arctic marine biology, and a BSc is zoology. She is particularly fascinated by issues pertaining to illegal fishing and fraud in the seafood industry, and she now works with the anti-IUU fishing team at Oceana in Europe to try and find solutions to prevent this pernicious and damaging practice.
Marine has spent years working on research and fishing vessels and has sailed in the East and West North Atlantic, in the Arctic Ocean, in the Greenland Sea, in the Celtic and Irish Seas, but also in the Southern Ocean all the way down to Antarctica, and has a good understanding of the challenges faced in the field.