María Pérez

Senior Director, Executive Affairs, Europe

Oceana Staff

There are many ways of giving sense to one’s life, and all of them are equally valid… Since somebody told us that we need to work in order to live, I’ve chosen to optimise my time by fighting for change and to contribute, with my dedication, to making this world a healthier and more liveable place.

I’ve been working in the NGO world all my life, but oceans… Never until Oceana. And it truly makes sense. I was born up north in Spain, by the sea, and I’ve always respected the majesty of its behaviour, the mystery surrounding it and the strength of its connection to the earth.

And all that happens because, hidden down there, exists an ecosystem of vital importance and finite character which, if we fail to protect, will end up leading the chain effect of irreparable consequences in the world as we know it.