Helena Alvarez
Senior Marine Scientist
Oceana Staff

For as long as Helena can remember, she’s always had a deep interest in the environment and its conservation.
This led her to graduate in Environmental Sciences, majoring in marine biodiversity conservation, and dedicate her entire career to sea protection. The more she learns about and sees the fragile ecosystems hidden under the sea surface, the more she is convinced of the urgent need to launch an alert message to society. Now that she has dedicated some years to discover the escarpments, seamounts and deep-sea ecosystems in European waters (through at-sea expeditions in the Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea and Atlantic Ocean), she is even more motivated to try to stop the threats that compromise their well-being, and like it or not, the survival of the whole planet.
Therefore, she believes we can’t ignore our environmental responsibility because it concerns each one of us. Unfortunately, we are witnessing an imminent degradation of the marine environment as a result of our unconscious attitudes and lifestyles. She believes that the dissemination of accurate and truthful information is a powerful weapon to combat problems facing the ocean, and here is where Oceana is a pioneer. Being part of the European research team in Oceana gives her a great opportunity to put a voice to the depths and amplify the message to the entire planet.