Oceana’s Recommendations for the Common Fisheries Policy


Pesca al pinchoOceana describes the priorities to be established within the amendment:


  • The implementation of the precautionary principle and an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management.
  • The correct management of all fisheries through TACs– (Total allowable catches), effort control and technical measures.
  • Fisheries in European Union waters and by European Union vessels should only be carried out if ecologically sustainable management measures are established, based on the best available scientific information.
  • As required by the Convention on Biological Diversity, a minimum of 10% of the oceans must be designated Marine Protected Areas by 2012. Marine reserves should be expanded from 20% to 30% as recommended by the IUCN.
  • The restoration of depleted fish stocks to MSY by 2015. Replace MSY as a management objective for fisheries. Fisheries should be managed under the ecosystem-based approach and by integrating the precautionary principle.
  • The use of an integrated approach to manage marine ecosystems aimed at achieving good environmental status of the oceans.
  • The eradication of by-catch and discards in European Union waters and by European Union vessels.
  • Eliminate IUU fishing in the European Union and by EU vessels. Close the European market for IUU caught fish and seafood; prohibit trade with IUU caught fish.
  • Manage the “external element” of the fishing fleet within the Common Fisheries Policy under the aim of protecting oceans biodiversity and rebuilding third countries ocean ecosystems towards a good environmental status of the oceans.
  • Eliminate environmental harmful fisheries subsidies and introduce legally binding goals for a substantial capacity reduction of the fleet.