Learn More: Oceana’s Recommendations for Effective Shark Management in the European Union


Lamna nasus

  • Sharks must be landed with their fins attached.
  • The capture of commercially exploited shark species by EU vessels must be regulated under the Common Fisheries Policy, with fishing limits and quotas.
  • Shark fisheries must be controlled wherever the EU fleet operates – in European waters and worldwide.
  • Migratory shark species exploited on the high seas must be regulated with catch limits and quotas.
  • Effective management measures for bycatch reduction must be introduced.
  • Shark discards must be eliminated.
  • Vessels taking sharks must have independent observer coverage on board.
  • Distinct trade statistics for shark products (meat, fins and liver oil), differentiated by species, must be developed.
  • Endangered shark species must be added to international conventions and national legislation that limit or prevent catches and trade.
  • A European Plan of Action for Sharks must be implemented.