O estudo da Oceana conclui que as capturas de peixes nas águas europeias poderiam aumentar em 57% caso os recursos piscícolas fossem geridos de forma sustentável
In the case of the Totais Admissíveis de Capturas fossem stipulated in accordance with what you seem to be scientists, sustainable capture in European waters could more than triple fish reserves , such as sardines in the Cantabrian Sea or bacalhau and arinca in the North Sea
Brussels, November 14 – Fish catches in European waters could increase by 57% if fish resources are explored sustainably and fish are stipulated in accordance with scientific opinions, according to a new research published today by Oceana. The study was conducted by a renowned fisheries specialist, Dr. Rainer Froese, at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany, and offers a more open, up-to-date view of overfishing in European fish resources. analyzing 397 population units comparatively close to 150 monitored by the European Commission.
The new study shows that the state of EU fisheries is far from being found in a poor situation, with 85% of fish resources in unhealthy conditions and with barely 12% to comply with the commitments of the Common Fisheries Policy.
“For the first time, we know what the recovery potential of the population units of fish in Europe is, and that this is good news! If we manage to fish sustainably and in accordance with scientific opinions, catches could increase by 57% or 5 thousands of tons , ” says Lasse Gustavsson, Executive Director of Oceana in Europe. “This corresponds to very good food and saudável! “We are at the point of recovering the abundance of two European seas, once the existence of more fish in the sea means more work in the fishing industry and more saudáveis fish on European tables.”
The eventual recovery of fish resources after the implementation of sustainable management measures would mean an increase in the number of fish in the sea, or would result in an increase in catches obtained with less fishing effort and less impact on the ecosystem. Scientists estimate that among the fish resources that would most benefit from adequate management are fish stocks in the North Sea, with an increase in fish catches of 300%, some population units of herring in the Celtic Sea and sardines in the North Sea. Bay of Biscay.
“We implemented an advanced standard method of assessing fish population units, in order to obtain estimates about the status and exploration of nearly 400 fish population units in the seas of Europe. For the first time, all European population units are relatively assessed at its maximum sustainable performance, as required by the new Common Fisheries Policy. Our results demonstrate that catches can increase substantially if population units are rebuilt and properly managed , ” explained Dr. Rainer Froese, senior scientist at GEOMAR.
The results of the investigation were revealed one month before a final decision was issued on two fish catch limits for 2017 in the Northeast Atlantic, which will be negotiated between the EC and the respective 28 fisheries ministers of the two member states during a meeting of EU Council, to be held at 12 e December 13 in Brussels. Oceana is responsible for the EU decision-making that abandons the current approach within a short period and challenges the taking of urgent measures to put an end to excessive fishing in European waters, so that the legal demand for recovery of all population units of fish for values above two levels saudáveis até 2020 seja fulfilled.
Information sheet: Rumo à recuperação do Setor europeu das Pescas (Towards the recovery of European fisheries, no title in English )