How to double catches in the Atlantic

Early this morning, EU fisheries ministers agreed on new fishing limits for the North-East Atlantic Ocean. Oceana is disappointed that, once again, ministers have ignored scientific advice for key commercial fish stocks. The new limits for 2017 come despite a new, in-depth study led by renowned fisheries expert Dr. Rainer Froese, which revealed that if … Read more

There’s no excuse for unsustainable fishing catch limits anymore. It’s time for the North East Atlantic to get its fish back

The AGRI-FISH Council of the EU is gathering in Brussels on December 12th-13th to decide on annual catch limits (TACs) for the main commercial fish stocks in the Atlantic and the North Sea for 2017. Oceana recently released the most comprehensive study of EU fisheries ever and the case for recovering fish stocks is stronger … Read more

Exploitation and Status of European Stocks – Froese Report

Executive Summary Stock assessments are presented for 397 stocks in 14 European ecoregions, from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. Surplus production modeling was used to estimate fisheries reference points in a maximum sustainable yield (MSY) framework. Fishing pressure and biomass were estimated from 2000 to the last year with available data (2013-2015). Results … Read more

Why don’t Denmark and Germany want to save Baltic cod?

If you had power, knew that an important renewable natural resource was at great risk and the only way to save it was to temporarily halt its exploitation, what would you do? The answer seems obvious: a temporary sacrifice can save us from a far more drastic future. A state of denial only postpones and … Read more