Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Oceana calls on EU Member States to rapidly implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and take the necessary measures to restore and maintain the health and productivity of European seas.  Over 50% of Europe’s territory is covered by sea, but Europe’s marine environment is highly threatened by both pollution and the dramatic loss of marine … Read more

Sea Turtles

There are seven species of sea turtles swimming the world’s oceans. Six of the species can be found in EU waters: greens, hawksbills, loggerheads, leatherbacks, olive ridleys and Kemp’s ridleys. (link to our species content) A seventh species, the flatback, only inhabits the waters around Australia. Female sea turtles, like all other reptiles, lay eggs. Most sea turtle … Read more

Natura 2000

The Habitats Directive is the EU golden standard for nature conservation, as it lists species and habitats of community interest for the conservation of which Member States must create protected areas. Few of them are in the marine domain: 18 species and 5 habitats. These protected areas constitute the Natura 2000 Network. In the first stage, Member States nominate … Read more

Marine Protected Areas

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a Marine Protected Area (MPA) is “a clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” In order to address the need to protect seabeds from … Read more


Corals are animals or animal colonies that form complex structures on the seabed and are the basis of some of the world’s richest ecosystems. Corals have very slow growth (a few millimeters per year) and are an ecologically valuable habitat for many species. Calcareous create three-dimensional structures, which offers protection, food and breeding areas for many … Read more

Oceana calls for urgent measures to halt marine biodiversity loss in protected areas

Oceana warns that even though fishing within Natura 2000 marine areas is a major threat to protected species and habitats, most of these sites lack measures to regulate it. Campaigners from the marine conservation organisation have called for the establishment of effective management measures during the first EU biogeographical seminar on marine Natura 2000 management, … Read more

Denmark’s proposal for protecting vulnerable marine habitats lacks ambition

The government’s proposal is intended to protect specific soft-bottom habitats in the Kattegat, of which some are red-listed. In a joint statement, the four conservation organisations stress that larger areas of seabed should be protected than the government suggests. The organisations also argue that all Kattegat fisheries should only operate with environmentally-friendly equipment. “The government’s … Read more

Oceana launches an expedition to Cabrera and the Balearic seamounts

This morning, Oceana launched an expedition to document three seamounts that lie between the islands of Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera, as well as the Fort d’en Moreu which is a coralligenous reef to the East of the Cabrera archipelago; all of which belong to the Balearic Islands. The international marine conservation organization will capture footage … Read more

Oceana applauds protection of 40,000 hectares in Cabrera and the Balearic Islands

Oceana applauds yesterday’s decision by Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, to protect the Émile Baudot and Ausiàs March seamounts as well as the Fort d’en Moreu coral reef. The international marine conservation organization spent years documenting these seabeds and actively campaigning for the Spanish and Balearic governments to protect these highly ecologically valuable … Read more