Hydrocarbons exploration in Italy threatens ecosystems in the Adriatic and the Strait of Sicily

Oceana is alarmed at recent developments in the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources along the Italian coastline that jeopardize the integrity of fragile marine ecosystems and the livelihood of coastal populations. The international marine conservation organization urges Corrado Clini, the newly appointed Minister of the Environment, and the Italian government to stop new offshore hydrocarbon leasing … Read more

Oceana: EU agency desperately needed to supervise offshore oil and gas activities

EU Energy Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, today presented the long-awaited Commission proposal to regulate offshore oil and gas activities in Europe – a reaction to BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster, which spilled massive amounts of oil into the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010. Oceana welcomes the intent of the proposed regulation to address current legislative gaps, … Read more

Deepwater Horizon´s one-year anniversary: Not much to celebrate

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico turned one year old last week – but this was a birthday that no one celebrated. In addition to human lives, the spill has devastated ocean life: thousands of dead seabirds, stranded turtles, dead oyster beds, mysteriously disappearing dolphins, and plummeting crab catches have been … Read more

Oceana concludes its first expedition to the Gulf of Mexico

After sailing through more than 4,000, during this campaign the international organization has conducted studies such as: shark tagging, plankton surveys, contaminated sediments sampling and marine and seabed documentation. Oceana has just concluded its first expedition to the Gulf of Mexico to assess the long-term effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon spill. During the two-month … Read more

What’s Next for Deepsea Drilling in Europe?

Last Thursday the European Parliament rejected a call to ban deepwater drilling, opting instead to tighten regulations to control exploration safety and compensation in the event of a spill. However, according to his spokesperson, the EU Energy Commissioner will be calling for a ban on new deepwater oil drilling on the 13th. Meanwhile, on the … Read more

Overfishing, pollution and habitat destruction are threatening European Seas

Oceana denounces the severe deterioration of Europe’s oceans and seas and calls for immediate measures to halt the collapse of fish resources, the destruction of marine habitats and the pollution affecting its waters. On World Environment Day (5 June) and World Oceans Day (8 June), Oceana points out that European seas are among the most … Read more