Mediterranean countries sign historic political pact on ocean governance and fisheries management

Today, ministers and high-level representatives from Mediterranean countries have signed a historic declaration to address the fisheries crisis in the region. The ministerial declaration, Malta MedFish4Ever, will be the blueprint for cooperation and sustainable development of fisheries for all coastal states in the Mediterranean over the next 10 years. The agreement comes just months before … Read more

Ministers meet to avert Mediterranean fish crisis

State representatives gather for the first time in 14 years just days after scientific study reveals Mediterranean has lost one-third of its fish due to overfishing Oceana calls for catch limits, tougher controls and protection of areas where fish breed and grow Valletta, Malta – Ministers from Mediterranean countries and representatives from the European Union … Read more

Starfish with 10 to 11 arms spotted in the Mediterranean

Marine scientists have discovered a population of a species of starfish with 10 and 11 arms living more than 200 m below the surface in waters off Malta (central Mediterranean). These starfish were spotted using an underwater robot during an at-sea survey as part the Life Ba?AR for N2K project, which aims to identify new … Read more

Mediterranean countries need to protect an area the size of Ireland by 2020

So far only 7% of the Mediterranean has been protected and deep-sea ecosystems have almost no protection. Tangier, Morocco – An area the size of the Republic of Ireland (71,840 km2) still needs to be protected in the Mediterranean, Oceana warns, if countries are to fulfil their international obligation to protect 10% of coastal and … Read more

International community takes first step for depleted Mediterranean swordfish on World Fisheries Day

Oceana welcomes long-overdue measures to rebuild the depleted and overfished stock, but the plan falls behind expectations Vilamoura, Portugal.-The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) has today finalised its one-week long negotiations between 51 countries. ICCAT has finally agreed on a recovery plan for the severely depleted Mediterranean swordfish, which has been … Read more

EU faces Mediterranean fish ultimatum

The European Union is now facing an ultimatum on a key fishery in the Mediterranean. Oceana has called on EU countries to stop all swordfish fishing in the Mediterranean unless an immediate recovery plan to rebuild stocks is put in place. Mediterranean swordfish has been reduced to one third of its size in just thirty … Read more

Set crisis plan now or EU to ban fishing for Mediterranean swordfish

Mediterranean swordfish drops by 70% in 30 years from overfishing Oceana is fully behind a call for an urgent and immediate action plan to rebuild rock-bottom numbers of swordfish in the Mediterranean Sea and to safeguard its future in the region. The only other alternative to this is to completely close down swordfish fishing in … Read more