Learn more: Robinson Crusoe Island

Today, just 600 people live on Robinson Crusoe Island, the largest of the Juan Fernández Islands at 58 square miles. The islands remain one of the world’s great natural laboratories with a strikingly high percentage of unique native species. The islands are also home to the Juan Fernández fur seal, once thought hunted to extinction, … Read more

Juan Fernández Islands: Species at Risk

Orange Roughy Also known as the slimehead, the Orange Roughy  is actually bright red with a blue belly while it’s alive. The fish can live more than 100 years and grows very slowly, staying very still in deep waters off the coast of Chile and New Zealand in the Pacific and from Iceland to South … Read more

Juan Fernández Islands: What Oceana Does

Oceana seeks to ban bottom trawling on vulnerable marine ecosystems such as the seamounts around the Juan Fernandez Islands. In January 2009, Oceana made its first expedition to the archipelago. The expedition crew recorded underwater videos and photographs of the area’s exceptional biodiversity. Additionally, they established contacts with the local communities and authorities on Robinson Crusoe … Read more

Juan Fernández Islands: Overview

Nearly 650 km from Chile’s jagged coastline lies one of the world’s hidden destinations: the Juan Fernández Islands. This archipelago, composed of three volcanic islands among a series of seamounts, has been compared to the Galápagos Islands for its rugged beauty and incredible biodiversity, including dozens of endemic species found nowhere else in the world. … Read more