Oceana requests the immediate convening of the Cabrera board of trustees

The lack of meetings hampers the control and monitoring of the decisions taken and the prevention of illegal fishing activities that affect the park. Oceana requests the convening, without further delay, of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cabrera National Park which was scheduled for December 2013. The international marine conservation organisation … Read more

Eleven corals in the Mediterranean may be protected this week

All Mediterranean countries will be meeting in Istanbul for the 18th COP to the Barcelona Convention to strengthen the protection of the marine and coastal environment. A number of decisions are set to be adopted at the meeting that are essential, among other things, to improving the protection status of deep-sea corals, in particular black … Read more

Oceana to send evidence of illegal fishing in Cabrera to the EU

Oceana has documented the presence of these protected habitats in areas devastated by illegal fishing gears around Cabrera (Balearic Islands) Oceana will send to the EU evidence found of illegal fishing activity in the area surrounding Cabrera and south Majorca, filing a claim against Spain for breach of the  Council Regulation (EC) No. 1967/2006 for … Read more

Oceana receives support from Patagonia company to help preserve the world oceans

Patagonia, the outdoor apparel company, recently showed its dedication to the environment’s conservation by bestowing a grant to the ocean conservation group Oceana. The monies were raised through Patagonia’s t-shirt sales in its Oceans as Wilderness Campaign. The grant will support Oceana’s efforts to protect the world’s oceans through campaigns to fight pollution and destructive … Read more

Oceana discovers a “forest” of corals and sea fan in Andalusia

Dolphins, pilot whales and sea turtles are frequent visitors to this important marine area of immense ecological value for which Oceana requests protection During the past weeks, the specialists aboard the Oceana Ranger research vessel, with the help from a submarine robot (ROV) and in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation, have examined the marine life … Read more

A giant foraminifer that converges to the feeding strategy of carnivorous sponges: Spiculosiphon oceana sp. nov. (Foraminifera, Astrorhizida)

Agglutinated foraminifera make a relatively diverse group of organisms, which is taxonomically defined as a subclass (Textulariia) and comprises four orders. The orders are based upon gross morphology, wall structure, and cement composition (Kaminski 2004). The cement that binds the test together may be organic (as in the Astrorhizida), calcareous and canaliculate (as in the … Read more