Illustrated catalogue of cold water corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from Alboran basin and North Eastern Atlantic submarine mountains, collected in Oceana campaigns

Along the Oceana marine exploration trips (2011–2012) it has been collected 17 species of cold water corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from deep Alboran basin and submarine mountains located South of Portugal. There are two new records from theMediterranean and also an important found regarding the enigmatic Dendrobrachia bonsai. The paper is completed by some images with … Read more

2005-2015: Twenty expeditions in just one decade

What is the best month to go on an expedition? Well, that depends on where you want to go and what you want to see. If you check Oceana in Europe’s website or our recently launched story map, you’ll discover the answer is actually any month – apart from December. Since 2005, we have organised … Read more

Oceana celebrates the protection of the Gorringe Bank

Since 2005, Oceana has been working to get the Gorringe Bank, one of the world’s most spectacular seamounts, protected. They will now be included within the network of protected sites in the Atlantic Oceana commends Portuguese Government for proposing the Gorringe Bank as a Site of Community Interest in accordance with EU legislation. This unique … Read more

Gorringe Bank to Receive EU Protection

Portugal proposes the inclusion of Gorringe Bank as a site within EU’s Natura 2000 network. This unique spot includes two seamounts, Gettysburg and Ormonde, located 160 nautical miles off the south western Portuguese coast. The seamounts extend from depths of 28 m and 33 m below sea level to more than 5,000 m and are … Read more

The seamounts of the Gorringe Bank

The Gorringe Bank, located 1600 nautical miles SW off the Portuguese coast, has been object of several studies since it was discovered in 18875 by Captain Henry Honeychurch Gorringe and his crew. After that, in the twentieth century, Prince Alberto I of Monaco developed various campaigns in the area. Ever since, several studies have taken place … Read more


Inclui uma seleção de fotografias e vídeos tirados até 500 metros de profundidade num dos enclaves submarinos mais valiosos de Portugal .  A Oceana criou um visor interativo com as imagens mais interessantes do Banco de Gorringe, um grupo de elevações submarinas ao sudoeste de Portugal. O visor, disponível no Google Earth, inclui quase cinquenta … Read more

Oceana documents 350 species on the Gorringe Bank

The comprehensive collection of information is the result of over 60 hours of recording, filmed during 3 campaigns.  Oceana scientists have identified more than 350 species on the Gorringe seamount, located in Portuguese waters, 160 nautical miles south-west of Cape St Vincent. The documentation of this great biodiversity, undertaken with the support of the Foundation … Read more

Portugal to nominate Gorringe Bank as new marine protected area

At 5000 m high, the Gorringe seamounts, located in the Atlantic, 300 km off the Portuguese shore, are on their way to becoming a new Marine Protected Area, following their nomination by the Portuguese government[i]. Oceana, which has documented this area on several occasions, is thrilled with this announcement. Since 2005, Oceana has worked to … Read more