Oceana urges caution in response to the fuel price crisis in the fisheries sector

Oceana, the international ocean conservation organisation, remains convinced that increasing fuel subsidies is not an appropriate response to rising fuel prices and urges governments to find longer term structural solutions to help the sector adapt to a future with higher fuel costs and ensure the long term sustainability of the sector. Oceana believes that governments … Read more

Oceana urges member states to eliminate pirate fishing

Today the European Commission published a Proposal for a Regulation to establish a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, by both the EU fleet wherever it fishes and for all vessels, including from third countries, in Europe’s seas.  A prohibition of imports from illegally caught fish, a tightening … Read more

The Galician Government subsidies “Monte Meixueiro”, one of the fishing vessels arrested by Norwegian patrols for illegal fishing

The detention by Norwegian patrols of two vessels flying Spanish flags, apprehended while catching Greenland halibut, has once again highlighted the wide-ranging practice of rogue fishing by companies that have received subsidies from Galician and Spanish authorities. One of the detained vessels, the Monte Meixueiro, belongs to the Vigo-based company Valiela, S.A., which has received … Read more

European Fisheries Subsidies

The fishing industry in the European Union (EU) receives a significant amount of government subsidies, which have promoted the overcapacity of European fishing fleets, resulting in overfishing1, and rendering fisheries in many European countries unprofitable and a poor investment for taxpayers. In 2011, Oceana released a study estimating the total expenditure in fishing sector subsidies … Read more

Oceana reaction to Council of Fisheries Ministers vote on EMFF

Last night, Fisheries Ministers passed one of the last hurdles in the negotiations on the reformed European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) by reaching an agreement on the criteria that will be used to determine how the money will be allocated and spent. While Oceana was pleased to see Ministers steer clear of reintroducing subsidies … Read more

An attempt to bypass democratic reform of fisheries subsidies

As the negotiations on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) reach a crucial point in the European Parliament, there are reports that Alain Cadec, the French Member of Parliament in charge of the file, is seeking an agreement directly with the Member States, and thus trying to bypass the opportunity for a detailed discussion … Read more

Fisheries subsidies: What will Member States spend the money on?

At this very moment, EU Member States are developing their six-year plans on how they will be using fisheries subsidies (mostly funded by taxpayer money) they will be receiving once the new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is finalized. As part of the design process of these Operational Programmes, several countries (though, unfortunately, not … Read more