According to Oceana, Iceland cannot sell its whale meat, but is still hunting

There is also concern about the health conditions of the meat due to high levels of contaminants accumulated in the tissue of these animals. Sources from the international marine conservation organisation Oceana indicated on Monday that the Icelandic vessel Hvalur 9 had captured a second whale, a lesser rorqual, 200 miles from the coast; this … Read more

Hydrocarbons exploration in Italy threatens ecosystems in the Adriatic and the Strait of Sicily

Oceana is alarmed at recent developments in the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources along the Italian coastline that jeopardize the integrity of fragile marine ecosystems and the livelihood of coastal populations. The international marine conservation organization urges Corrado Clini, the newly appointed Minister of the Environment, and the Italian government to stop new offshore hydrocarbon leasing … Read more

Cetacean sighting in the Alboran Sea

Oceana´s Ranger expedition is going strong as it continues through the Alboran Sea, which is the westernmost portion of the Mediterranean Sea. This area, famous for its great number and variety of cetaceans (marine mammals), did not disappoint: our on-board team of scientists, photographers, videographers and divers spotted more than 400 cetaceans in just one … Read more

Oceana to the United Nations: Protect the Balearic seamounts

New report details proposal based on four years of undersea research in the Mallorca channel. Oceana has submitted a proposal to protect the main seamounts in the Mallorca channel (known as Ausias March, Ses Olives and Emile Baudot). The document was presented during the 11th session of the Sub-Committee on Marine Environment and Ecosystems of … Read more

Increasing U.S. Observer Funding

Oceana’s ongoing efforts to increase funding for the fishery observer program continue to produce results. Observers are trained monitors who count everything that is caught by a fishing vessel, including discarded fish, sea turtles and marine mammals. Observers are our eyes on the ocean and provide important information for fishery managers. In 2009, Congress appropriated … Read more