Has bluefin tuna recovered?

Bluefin tuna, the iconic Mediterranean species, has for several years served as a dramatic example of how commercial greed can drive a species to the verge of collapse. Its critical situation triggered an international campaign to set reasonable catch limits, and eventually countries agreed to act. But what has become of bluefin tuna since? Has … Read more

Who finances and who promotes the disappearance of bluefin tuna?

The international ocean conservation organisation calls for the immediate closure of the Balearic fishing grounds and criticises the contradictory measures adopted by implicated states European funds have been used to finance the overexploitation of bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean. A report published recently by WWF denounces the fleet’s overcapacity. According to Oceana´s data, overcapacity in … Read more

The European Commission has initiated infringement proceeding against seven EU members states for non-respect of bluefin tuna rules

The announcement follows last week’s Commission decision to close this fishery to conserve stocks. The Commission made public this morning that it has opened infringement proceedings against 7 EU countries for failing in their legal obligation to properly send bluefin tuna catch data. Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain could eventually face severe … Read more

ICCAT’s baffling contradiction: precaution on bluefin, abandonment of sharks

Agadir (Morocco) – As the annual ICCAT Meeting closes its doors today, Oceana, an official observer at the meeting, welcomes the steps taken for Eastern bluefin tuna management in 2013, but has grave concerns about the lack of new measures for threatened highly migratory species of sharks, and overall weak compliance with existing measures. Contracting … Read more

Oceana: EU could open bluefin Pandora’s box by calling for higher catches

Today, the European Union has resumed negotiations on a common EU position for the next ICCAT meeting, which takes place next week in Agadir (Morocco). Scientists have called for a precautionary approach to Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna, which remains overexploited. The EU has agreed on the possibility of increasing the quota within scientific … Read more

How to save the Bluefin: a visual education

Check out this video we just spotted. What a great visual way to teach people about the plight of the bluefin tuna! Watch the video on YouTube (by HOWTOSAVETHEBLUEFIN)    

ICCAT says “I can’t”

As the 17th Special Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) closed today in Paris, France, Oceana, the world’s largest international ocean conservation organization called it a “massive failure for bluefin tuna and swordfish, with only modest progress for sharks and sea turtles.” “Despite the flowery rhetoric, it was ‘business … Read more

ICCAT Highlights: News from Paris

We are fast nearing the end of the 2010 ICCAT meeting in Paris. As some of you know, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is an international body responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and related species, as well as species caught incidentally as bycatch in these fisheries, including … Read more

Oceana warns that political inactions is seriously threatening Atlantic bluefin tuna and sharks populations

Oceana presents an opening statement with a list of measures in order to restore the stocks of bluefin tuna, sharks and Mediterranean swordfish. The international marine conservation organization Oceana urges the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) to restore bluefin tuna and shark populations in the opening statement submitted today for its … Read more