New Oceana report reveals slow progress in protecting the Baltic Sea

In reality, business carries on as usual inside so-called protected areas. While the number of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat continues to increase, the number of areas with actual protection measures unfortunately, isn’t growing at the same rate. Many MPAs completely lack plans that regulate the activities within them. Oceana’s … Read more

Baltic Sea Expeditions highlight critical need for marine protected areas

Based on the findings of three expeditions, Oceana has proposed 13 areas of high ecological importance to become new marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea. Most of them host species and breeding grounds classified by HELCOM as threatened and vulnerable. Species like the rare Haploops crustacean, and the blue mussel-like horse mussel, though not … Read more

Oceana proposal for Marine Protected Areas

Several scientific studies provide proof of the successes of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in enhancing biodiversity and benefiting sea life. MPAs provide threatened species and living breeding grounds a place to rebuild and flourish. For example, areas facing reduced pressure, where fisheries have been banned or restricted, have healthier communities and often host fish that … Read more

Meet the Perch

The perch is originally a freshwater fish, found in lakes and streams, but since it’s very euryhaline, which means it can adapt to a wide range of salinities, it can also be found in brackish waters. Found both in Europe and Asia, this fish has also been introduced in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. … Read more

Meet the Goldsinny Wrasse

The Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) usually lives in highly vegetated areas  in Kattegat,  the Danish Belts, and sometimes all the way up to Estonia. The little bright orange fish can usually be recognized by a black spot located right between the dorsal fin and the tail. They feed on bryozoans, crustaceans and gastropods. Interestingly enough, … Read more

Oceana: Holistic approach crucial to Baltic Sea management

Today, experts, industry and fisheries managers from around the EU are meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania to discuss how to best to manage the various activities in European marine waters. Oceana, a presenter at the event, argues that special attention must be given to the value of sensitive ecosystems, both from an economic and environmental perspective, … Read more

Baltic Sea MPAs: protected only on paper

Dumping, marine constructions and aquaculture are the most commonly forbidden activities in Baltic Sea marine protected areas (MPAs). Yet, a recent HELCOM report reveals that eutrophication, commercial fishing and pollution have a greater damaging impact. Oceana is deeply concerned that authorities have made little to no progress in developing plans to address the real threats … Read more

National priorities for HELCOM countries

At the upcoming HELCOM Ministerial Meeting on 3 October 2013 in Copenhagen, the region’s Environment Ministers will agree on further actions in order to reach the objectives of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) from 2007. Many of the actions set out in the BSAP in 2007 have still not been implemented – overall … Read more