The Critically Endangered European eel

Holidays are here and many people in Europe go out and buy some eel for their Christmas dinners, as they do every year. But what many might not know is that the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is critically endangered and threatened with extinction. To provide some perspective, this threat level is higher than that given … Read more

Oceana celebrates Finnish Sea trout fishing ban

Oceana welcomes last Friday’s decision by the authorities of Uusimaa and the Southeast Finland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment to ban wild sea trout fisheries in the Gulf of Finland. The ban applies to all types of fisheries (including recreational) in the territorial waters beyond the coastal waters. Following the release of … Read more

Oceana demands temporary ban of fishing for threatened sea trout stocks in the Baltic

According to recent electrofishing surveys by the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, the status of sea trout is critically endangered and very few juveniles were found in the Gulf of Bothnia in autumn 2012. Oceana is alarmed that despite this precarious situation, sea trout remains almost completely unmanaged, apart from some fishing bans in … Read more

European Parliament to adopt a management plan for salmon in the Baltic Sea

On November 22nd, the European Parliament will vote to adopt a multiannual plan for salmon in the Baltic Sea. This species has suffered years of mismanagement through sporadic measures such as closed seasons and annual total allowable catches (TAC) set in total disregard of scientific advice, and is now listed as declining and/or threatened in … Read more

NGO coalition calls for better protection on the Danish marine environment

The organizations are pushing to appoint three new large and coherent marine protected areas that have stricter protection than the current marine Natura 2000 sites. The report, co-authored by Oceana, describes the marine environment in Denmark as not doing well, noting a general decline in species diversity. The decline is mainly caused by several anthropogenic … Read more

Fisheries Council takes welcomed steps towards sustainable Baltic Sea fisheries

Yesterday, the Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers discussed the 2013 fishing opportunities for the Baltic Sea in Luxembourg. Oceana is pleased with the Council decisions on cod, plaice, herring and sprat but disappointed in the decision to set the TAC for Baltic Salmon more than twice as high as the number given by scientific advice. “The … Read more

Oceana blasts danish goverment approval of damaging mussel dredging in marine protected areas

Oceana is deeply disappointed in the Danish Government’s recent approval of blue mussel fisheries inside two Natura 2000 sites in the Limfjord, Denmark. This decision puts both areas, which have been protected to conserve ecologically important reef habitats, in jeopardy. Oceana recommends that Denmark and other EU countries prohibit destructive fishing methods, such as dredging … Read more

The VELUX Foundations to support Oceana Baltic Sea campaign

Oceana acknowledges the generous support of the Velux Foundations, which have awarded a twelve month grant to support Oceana’s Baltic Sea recovery programme. The funds will support the international marine conservation organization efforts to expand the network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in this sea and improve the status of its fisheries resources via long-term … Read more

Oceana welcomes new Danish HELCOM Chairmanship and encourages prioritization of work on fisheries and marine protection

Oceana welcomes the new Chairwoman of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (known as HELCOM), Helle Pilsgaard, in her new position, and looks forward to the two-year Danish Chairmanship of HELCOM. In a letter addressed to Ms. Pilsgaard, Oceana marked its appreciation for plans to tackle the human causes of eutrophication by setting country-wide nutrient … Read more

Management plan for endangered baltic salmon riddled with loopholes that threaten the stock

Today, members of EU Parliament Fisheries Committee adopted the report by Marek Gróbarczyk (ECR, PL) to establish a multiannual plan for the Baltic salmon. Oceana is disappointed in the outcome of the vote and urges stronger measures. The text was proposed by the Commission in 2011, six years after the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission … Read more