Fishing opportunities for 2025: progress in the Mediterranean amid uncertainty 

Brussels – Today, EU fisheries ministers have set fishing opportunities for stocks managed exclusively by the EU for 2025, in the Northeast Atlantic and in the Mediterranean Sea. Oceana values the progress made in the western Mediterranean, where France, Spain and Italy have taken decisions to reduce fishing pressure, including adopting remedial measures to recover … Read more

Policy Briefing: Fisheries and the European Green Deal

The EU is committed to achieving ambitious climate targets under the European Green Deal and recognises the need for sustainable resource management as pivotal in reaching these goals. The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), a cornerstone of EU policy, aims to ensure that fishing is environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable. Integral to achieving this is Article … Read more

Policy Briefing: Enhancing transparency in fisheries

This policy briefing presents the principles and benefits of transparency in fisheries management, examines current gaps within EU Member States, and presents case studies from the EU and beyond where steps towards transparent allocation frameworks have been taken. The briefing concludes with practical recommendations for improving transparency, equity, and accountability in the allocation of fishing … Read more

Rebuilding western Mediterranean fisheries: status and policy recommendations for 2025

The western Mediterranean multiannual plan (West Med MAP), introduced in 2019, is the EuropeanUnion’s primary framework for the conservation and sustainable management of demersal stocks in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Despite significant progress made through the West Med MAP, the target of sustainable fishing mortality rates in the Western Mediterranean remains far from being achieved. … Read more

Minister Chef: The ending overfishing challenge

In the ending overfishing challenge, Chef Michael shows us how overfishing is a recipe for disaster, and provides refreshing food-for-thought on how to build sustainable fisheries in Europe.

Blue Manifesto: The roadmap to a healthy ocean in 2030

Imagine a world where the ocean teems with life, marine ecosystems flourish, and where coastal communities thrive in harmony with nature. This vision is not just a dream; it’s an achievable reality, and the Blue Manifesto is our urgent call to action to make it happen. Civil society organisations across Europe have united to provide … Read more

Artisanal fishers and Oceana call for fairer fishing access in capital of Europe

MEP Isabella Lövin, Alexandra Cousteau and fisher representative to open photo exhibition on small-scale fisheries this evening Photo and video download here In a photographic exhibition launched today, artisanal fishers from Denmark, Ireland and Spain are joining Oceana in calling on national governments, newly-elected Members of the European Parliament, and the European Commission for a fairer … Read more