Oceana provokes the arrest of illegal driftnetters by italian coastguards

On some occasions, the activities of these vessels have extended into Spanish waters. The research catamaran of the Oceana organisation, the Ranger, has been carrying out “in situ” surveillance of the illegal Italian driftnet fleet since the beginning of July, which operates out of bases in Sicily, Sardinia, around Naples and Sorrento, and the small … Read more

The Mediterranean still struggles with driftnets

A few days ago, over 3 km of illegal driftnets were seized in Italy. It’s amazing, and disturbing that more than a decade after a driftnet ban was put in place in the EU – we are still seeing regular cases of infractions, particularly by the Italian fleet. Driftnets do not discriminate. The enormous nets … Read more

Oceana supports Spain’s U-turn to fight illegal fishing

Oceana believes that it is crucial that all European States display the same level of commitment in application of Regulations. Oceana appreciates the political U-turn taken by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and the Environment to fight illegal fishing. The General Secretary for Fisheries, Carlos Domínguez, yesterday presented data on control of fishery product imports … Read more

Oceana welcomes EU Parliament adoption of Skagerrak discard ban

Yesterday an overwhelming majority of the European Parliament voted for a gradual ban on the discarding of unwanted fish in the Skagerrak. Oceana welcomes this bold step towards ending the wasteful practice of throwing millions of tons of fish back into the sea. “It is rewarding to see that the Parliament is sticking to defending … Read more

E.U. Parliament Votes to Curb Overfishing

After 18 months of negotiations, the Fisheries Committee of the EU parliament voted to put in place new measures that would effectively end overfishing and greatly improve the way the EU manages its fisheries, which have been historically poor managed and overfished. In recent years, the majority of its scientifically-assessed fisheries have been found to be … Read more

ICCAT’s baffling contradiction: precaution on bluefin, abandonment of sharks

Agadir (Morocco) – As the annual ICCAT Meeting closes its doors today, Oceana, an official observer at the meeting, welcomes the steps taken for Eastern bluefin tuna management in 2013, but has grave concerns about the lack of new measures for threatened highly migratory species of sharks, and overall weak compliance with existing measures. Contracting … Read more

Oceana welcomes EU Commission steps to combat illegal fishing

Today, the European Commission identified eight third-countries failing to fulfill their duties to fight Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported fishing (IUU). Their decision grants Belize, Panama, Cambodia, Fiji, Guinea, Sri Lanka, Togo and Vanuatu, six months to address the European Union’s concerns. If they fail to respond adequately, a series of measures will be implemented, including … Read more

Europe stands against IUU fishing

Did you know that illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing accounts for 15% of catches worldwide and that this business amounts to 10 billion euros annually? If you want an order of comparison, it is as if IUU fishing was the second biggest fishing “nation” in the world after China. In Europe, we at Oceana … Read more