Reviving Europe’s oceans: Marine wins under the Nature Restoration Law

The EU Council has officially adopted the Nature Restoration Law today, marking the first major piece of legislation aimed at restoring nature in the past thirty years! This regulation mandates the restoration of marine habitats and addresses destructive fishing practices, thereby enhancing the ocean’s role as the planet’s largest carbon store and bolstering biodiversity and … Read more

Marine wins in the EU Nature Restoration Law

Oceana asks the Balearic Government for more protection for marine biodiversity in Cabrera National Park

The extension of the park, effective from 2019, lacks appropriate protection and management measures to protect the area from industrial fishing The Government, responsible for the park, now has an opportunity to commit to real and ambitious protection after years of delay Oceana urges the Balearic Government to effectively protect the Cabrera Archipelago National Marine-Terrestrial … Read more

EU countries not on track to meet international marine protection targets, warn NGOs

EU Member States are set to miss targets to protect 30% of EU seas by 2030, warn marine NGOs Oceana and Seas At Risk. In reaction to the EU’s interim evaluation of its 2030 Biodiversity Strategy released on 13 March, the NGOs are today publishing an assessment of Member States’ pledges on marine protection targets. … Read more

Quince organizaciones ecologistas piden al Gobierno reforzar los compromisos de protección marina en el Mediterráneo español

Las organizaciones demandan acciones para avanzar en la protección estricta de, al menos, un 10 % del Mediterráneo, comprometido por España Además, solicitan una gobernanza participativa para la elaboración, implementación y evaluación de los planes de gestión de los espacios Continuar con el compromiso y redoblar los esfuerzos para conseguir la protección efectiva del 30 … Read more

Mediterráneo 30×30. Acuerdo marino entre organizaciones ambientales para la protección de un 30% del Mediterráneo español en 2030

En respuesta a la doble crisis planetaria, climática y de pérdida de biodiversidad, la Unión Europea y sus estados miembros se han comprometido, a través de la Estrategia de Biodiversidad de la UE a pro­teger al menos el 30% de los mares para 2030, con un tercio de lo protegido (es decir, un 10% de … Read more

Law to restore EU seas by 2030 edges one step closer to reality

Today the European Parliament’s plenary has adopted the agreement reached with EU countries on the Nature Restoration Law (NRL). This is good news for the marine environment, say NGOs Oceana and Seas At Risk, because the new law includes binding restoration targets for marine habitats, as well as a new mechanism and a timeline to … Read more

Oceana applauds the designation of seven new marine protected areas in Spain

These sanctuaries are havens of biodiversity and serve as safeguards against climate change To be effective, the designation must be coupled with good management Oceana celebrates the announcement by Spain’s Ministry for Ecological Transition to establish seven new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Rich in biodiversity and home to vulnerable ecosystems, these areas will be included … Read more

Les pays méditerranéens s’unissent pour protéger un récif corallien d’eau profonde unique contre les effets de la pêche 

Communiqué de presse. Date: 10 novembre 2023 Location: Split Contact: Emily Fairless | email: | tel.: +32 478 038 490 Ces mesures permettront de protéger le Banc de Cabliers, le seul récif corallien d’eau froide connu qui continue de croître en Méditerranée et étudié pour la première fois par Oceana Les États méditerranéens acceptent … Read more

Mediterranean countries unite to protect unique deep-sea coral from fishing impacts 

The measures will protect Cabliers Bank, the only cold-water coral reef known to be growing in the Mediterranean and first researched by Oceana Mediterranean states also agree to adopt measures to act against those that do not comply with fishing rules Today, Mediterranean countries have agreed to ban any kind of bottom fishing, including destructive … Read more