NGOs welcome Denmark’s new proposal to ban destructive bottom trawling in key areas – and urge the EU to take stronger action 

Environment NGOs Seas At Risk, Danish Nature Conservation Association, Oceana and ClientEarth welcome the Danish government’s proposal to ban bottom trawling in over 17% of Danish waters. The establishment of trawl-free areas is a long-awaited step that will provide a much-needed opportunity for marine ecosystems to recover as bottom trawling has pushed the region to … Read more

Oceana condemns Mediterranean countries for delaying permanent protection of age-old coral from deep-sea fishing 

This week, Mediterranean countries have failed to adopt permanent measures banning destructive fishing practices – like bottom trawling – over parts of the Cabliers Bank, a 400,000-year-old coral reef in the Alboran Sea. Oceana strongly criticises this decision, which leaves such a biodiversity hotspot vulnerable to fishing impacts, and weakens the prospects of establishing a … Read more

Most EU citizens want political leaders to prioritise ocean protection and to ban bottom trawling in marine protected areas, new polls reveal

Polls expose gap between people’s opinion of marine protection in Europe and the stark reality Nearly 9 in 10 citizens (86%) surveyed across seven EU countries expect their political leaders to prioritise the protection of marine biodiversity, according to the results of national polls conducted by Sapience and published today. The study further identifies that, … Read more

A quantification of bottom towed fishing activity in marine Natura 2000 sites

There are over 2100 marine Natura 2000 sites designated across Europe’s seas under the EU Habitats Directive. Member States have designated such sites to protect and recover both important marine habitats such as reefs and sandbanks and a range of iconic species including the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and grey and … Read more

European Parliament at risk of backpedaling on marine protection ambition

Plenary likely to approve report by Fisheries Committee that supports destructive fishing and undermines Parliament’s position on biodiversity targets Marine NGOs Seas At Risk and Oceana are sounding the alarm that the European Parliament is poised to adopt a report on the Marine Action Plan (1) on 18 January supporting destructive fishing. The report was … Read more

Three out of four Spanish trawlers fished in marine protected areas in 2022

The information is distilled from official data from the General Secretariat for Fisheries Trawling, one of the most destructive fishing methods, is allowed in marine protected areas despite being a threat to the ocean and the sustainability of the fishing sector Three-quarters of the vessels that bottom trawled in Spain last year did so, at … Read more

Extending the deep-sea bottom fishing ban in the Mediterranean Sea

The ocean is the largest planetary carbon sink. It stores equivalent amounts of carbon to terrestrial ecosystems and removes around one-third of CO2 emitted by human activity. Healthy marine ecosystems capture and lock in carbon, acting as a nature-based solution to the climate crisis. Deepwater marine sediments and soft bottoms are considered a critical reservoir … Read more