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February 21, 2012

World Oceans Summit

BY: Patricia Valdés


© OCEANA / Eduardo Sorensen


Tomorrow marks the start of the World Oceans Summit, organized by The Economist, which will gather over 200 world leaders from the private sector, governments, academic institutions, opinion leaders and NGOs to discuss the future of the oceans, examine how the increased activity in and around oceans can be managed sustainably, and to determine what this will mean for businesses and other key stakeholders.

Our CEO Andrew Sharpless will be there to provide his input to the discussion. Oceana board member and noted fisheries scientist, Dr. Daniel Pauly will also be in attendance at what looks to be an event that will provide a great opportunity to establish a constructive dialogue about the major threats facing the oceans and look for solutions among all stakeholders.

If you want to know more about the summit, its agenda and speakers you can take a look at the website here: http://www.economistconferences.asia/event/world-oceans-summit