May 23, 2007
We left Bastia.
Yesterday we left Bastia in Corsica, bearing south, after the Coastguard had politely but firmly invited us to leave the country, France, in order to avoid further confrontations with the driftnetters, as it seems these were mobilising in order to block our passage. We’d scarcely had time to properly enjoy this island, which has all the charm of the Mediterranean and merits a longer visit, and we left before the divers had been able to dive in its waters to learn a little more about its habitat.
We continued in perfect weather conditions, making sure to be alert on our watches, fearful that at any moment we would be attacked by the fishermen again.
Luckily that didn’t happen and the only visits we received were from some whales that we could make out in the distance. It was, for me, very exciting to see them, albeit from a distance, as it was the first time for me to enjoy this magnificent spectacle. After so much excitement, there was a chance to relax, for those of us not on watch, chatting pleasantly in the prow of the boat while listening to the soft sound of the keels making their way through the sea.
At 20.00 I began my watch, with Jorge, and we spent an agreeable time. I think we’ve got a good timetable for our watch, as we never miss the setting of the sun. I never cease to be amazed by the energy it gives me or the beauty of seeing how it gradually disappears, little by little, over the horizon.
Later we looked at the recordings that Jorge had been able to make of the altercation with the fishermen. I felt as if I was watching something on TV, something that I hadn’t been involved in, and yet it really happened. They say a picture paints a thousand words, but in this case the full fury of the fishermen couldn’t be captured by the camera.
At about 7.30 we crossed the border, and finally we were in Italy, gradually approaching Sardinia, in the Gulf of Arzachena. I don’t know if the rest of the island is as lovely as what we’ve seen so far but I’m astonished by its beauty. We’ve moored the boat in a charming place called Cannigione and that’s where we are up to now.
February 14, 2025
How Denmark’s bottom trawling ban could benefit marine conservation
February 14, 2025
February 10, 2025
Overfishing in West Africa: How EU companies are contributing to depleting vital fish stocks