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September 22, 2009

On the way to El Hierro.

©OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez


In the morning, the most urgent task was to repair the remote control that stopped working in the Sahara Mountains and build a new ballast. Mónaco called Michel, the technician who worked on French submarines and, after investigating the situation, he decided to install a second control via cable. Now we have two systems installed and this reassures us that we will be able to respond in case of breakdown.

Michel…..an exotic guy who tells us about his “nanny”, a six-foot Tuareg who only spoke when absolutely necessary. He also taught him that a well-timed slap on the neck wasn’t child-beating, but an effective learning tool. Like he says, he showed him to respect the important things in life.

In the afternoon, once all our problems are solved, we set sail to El Hierro.