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August 13, 2009

Paraje Natural Punta Entinas-El Sabinar (Punta Entinas-El Sabinar Natural Wildland), Almería. Thursday, August 13, 2009

BY: Silvia García


©OCEANA/ Carlos Minguell


Sunny day, calm during the morning and some waves after noon, somewhat annoying for working.

All day today, the four Cymodocea nodosa restoration stations have been checked. This is an experimental recovery project for degraded sea prairies at the sea bottom off of Paraje Natural Punta Entinas-El Sabinar. The project entails sowing the seeds of this sea plant gathered from nearby healthy meadows.

Of note was when four adult bottle nosed dolphins approached our divers in just 14 meters of water during the third of the four immersions. Their cameras have been able to document swimming at these bottoms populated by Cymodocea nodosa.