August 24, 2016
Muddy bottoms
The last days have been calm and mild, and today the sun has peeked through the clouds again. The temperature today is also in the better range, and the northern girls have jumped into their shorts and t-shirts, and we are washing the mud-splashing grabs in bare legs and rubber boots – just like being kids again. Away from the grabs, and inside sheltered from the sun, we sat glued to the screen, watching endless fields of muddy sand, looking for life on the bottom. The Dutch area Oestergronden, where we are now, was formerly known for high densities of oysters and is from the name “Oyster Ground” originates. Although today there are no oysters left, due to overfishing and environment changes.
Today other precious creatures are hiding here; the Norway Lobster. In deep holes in the mud they hide, but they are not afraid of anything. The curious lobsters come lurking out from their homes to take a look at the approaching competitor, the big clumsy ROV ready to defend themselves. Many of them are missing an arm, maybe from a fight? We’ll let them be for this time, and continue out into the vast emptiness of the mud planes.
As the night now falls after a long day you feel a change in the weather coming, the horizon closes in, and you feel the damp, misty fog on your skin, another storm is coming.
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