As I´m sure fans of reality television already know, there is certain entertainment value in throwing together a group of people from all walks of life and asking them to live together in cramped quarters with little contact to the outside world. Such is life aboard the Oceana Ranger.
The catamaran has bunks for 12 people, but at times will sleep up to 12. Located below deck, these bunks are where the rocking of the ship is most prominent. There are two heads – bathrooms for you landlubbers – one portside, one starboard. A real estate agent would call them “half-baths” (read: no shower).
There is also a common room which holds the kitchen, dining tables and ship communications. This room is where many of the hours pass: reading, eating, talking and, if you are lucky, a quick siesta.
We also spend a fair amount of time outside, weather permitting. One of the crew is always at the helm, with usually a mate or two for company. Meanwhile, both the crew and onboard campaigners keep an eye out for marine wildlife and illegal fishing. This results in a day that can either be exciting or monotonous, depending on what you encounter.
Fortunately, for a motley group of people from all walks of life, the Ranger crew is as friendly as it is experienced. Consideration coupled with valuing Oceana´s mission has made for decidedly undramatic living conditions and not even some bad weather can dampen everyone´s spirits.
Jesùs – captain – Spain
Nuño – first mate – Spain
A captain in his own right, Nuño is only on the Ranger until it reaches Vigo.
Mario – deckhand – Spain
Mario has been sailing for the last four years, spending his summers in the Mediterranean and his winters in the Carribean.
Justino – deckhand – Spain
After the expedition, Justino will resume classes in England as he seeks further sailing certifications.
Patricia – cook –Spain
When Patricia isn´t whipping up lentil soup or sausages with rice for a hungry crew, she´s working as a cook in her local hospital.
Sylvia – campaigner – Spain
Based in Oceana´s Madrid office, Sylvia has been a campaigner for four months. Onboard, she´s responsible for identifying and documenting the illegal fishing and wildlife.
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