May 4, 2006
First Day
Because of the bad weather (there was a lot of wind) , the Captain, Jordi, decided to stay a day longer. Today we breakfasted well; some white coffee and croissants in the port of Torredembarra.
The first officer of the boat, Carlos Pérez, held a meeting in the morning to explain the tasks entrusted to each member of the crew and to find out their needs. Then he went off to buy the last few things that were necessary on board.
The team of divers consisted of Jorge Candan and Pilar Barros, video cameramen, together with Houssine Kaddachi and Thierry Lannoy, photographers, devoted themselves to taking an inventory of the diving equipment for this summer’s expedition, on the way to the Mediterranean. It was necessary to organise and set out the diving materials for the first part of the voyage, which would take us towards the Ile de Beauté (Island of Beauty), in Corsica.
Houssine got the compressor started and filled the tanks before arriving in Corsica. We try to do this in the port because it is very difficult to fill the tanks and get the compressor working at sea.
Jordi, the Captain, and Albert, the sailor, spent the morning putting the last few technical details right for sailing, loading the Zodiac, looking over the diesel and water tanks and such like. A range of repairs such as putting in the rungs so as to be able to get up the main and mizzen masts. They constantly looked at the way the moorings which hold the boat were working, because there is plenty of undertow due to the East wind, which has been blowing for a few days.
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