April 11, 2011
Exploring the Baltic Sea: Aaaaand we’re off!
You may remember when we introduced you to our new office in Copenhagen. Well the good news keeps on coming!
A few days ago, we launched a 2 month long Baltic Sea expedition – and we want you to be able to share in the experience. That is why we’ve created a special section of our website that will include the latest pictures and updates, including on-board diaries, from our experts!
This is Oceana’s first expedition in the Baltic. Our objective is to analyze the state of areas of special ecological importance in the region to propose the establishment of new Marine Protected Areas and stricter management measures. To that effect Oceana will cooperate with the governments and other institutions of the region. We will use remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), underwater photographers and video to document marine biodiversity and the impacts of human activities on sensitive Baltic habitats. Oceana will also be documenting the fisheries activity in the Baltic Sea.
The expedition is led by oceanographer Xavier Pastor, executive director of Oceana Europe, and is taking place aboard the Hanse Explorer, a 48-metre certified ice class expedition vessel build for long exploration voyages and diving operations, which has also been adapted to serve as a platform the ROV.
Oceana scientists from countries around the Baltic Sea are working together with other experienced international crew members from Oceana. The crew includes specialized divers, some of the world’s best underwater photographers and videographers as well as scientists managing the ROV. We also have equipment on-board that allows also for analysis of oxygen, temperature and other oceanographic parameters levels.
We hope you take the time to check out the Baltic Expedition section of our site! Is there anything in particular you would be interested in hearing about?
February 10, 2025
Overfishing in West Africa: How EU companies are contributing to depleting vital fish stocks