September 17, 2010
An Education on Overfishing
A lot of people often ask what they can do to learn about the state of the oceans – there is so much information out there, it can certainly be a daunting task to sort through it all.
That’s why we decided to pull together some of our favorite books and movies on marine issues. This list is by no means an exhaustive one, its just a couple of ideas to help get you on track.
For the Bookworm:
Four Fish – Paul Greenberg. The EU Fisheries Commissioner herself did a review on the book here.
The End of the Line, Charles Clover (see below for the great documentary). The Independent called this book “persuasive and desperately disturbing,” and “the maritime equivalent of Silent Spring…”
For the Movie Lover:
The End of the Line – The Economist has called the film adaptation of the book “the inconvenient truth about the impact of overfishing on the world’s oceans”.
Empty Oceans, Empty Nets – This 2-part documentary brilliantly highlights the overwhelming magnitude of the declining state of the world’s fisheries.
Oceans. This Disney movie, released earlier this year, offers a majestic immersion into the oceans of the world. While it is not specifically about the problem of overfishing, one cannot help but come away from it with a fierce will to fight to preserve its bountiful beauty.
…If you are feeling sufficiently depressed by the bad news in these books and documentaries and the unnerving state of the oceans – remember that they can bounce back IF we do something about it quickly.
We hope that you will try to get involved as much as you can in causes you are interested in – and we’d love to hear about your involvement. Drop us a note on facebook here, and let us know what you’ve been up to, and if you have any recommendations for books or documentaries!
There you have it! Have a great weekend and I’ll leave you with a quote that made me smile today: “Live in the sunshine, Swim the sea, Drink the wild air.” – Emerson
February 14, 2025
How Denmark’s bottom trawling ban could benefit marine conservation
February 14, 2025
February 10, 2025
Overfishing in West Africa: How EU companies are contributing to depleting vital fish stocks