Home / Blog / Arrival in Lagos. Thursday, June 9th, 2005

June 9, 2005

Arrival in Lagos. Thursday, June 9th, 2005

BY: Ester Casado



Ester Casado

Today we all got up early; we began leaving our beds since 5 in the morning to contemplate the spectacular view offered by the cliffs of Algarve’s coast. Of course, this place has suffered the same urban abuse commited in any touristic place along the peninsular and insular geography of Spain.

Our entry to the Lagos marina is solemn, as we pass in front of the ancient fortress, which we reached through a natural channel and going under a drawbridge. A life size reproduction of an old caravel confirms to us we have arrived at port.

Arrival in Lagos

Our arrival in Lagos marks the end of this phase of our Atlantic crossing. On this voyage, we have covered approximately 3,000 miles in 20 days of navigation from Bermuda to the peninsula. The crew is happy and tonight we will celebrate on land the satisfaction of having been part of a coordinated team and a job well done. But before, we must perform a general clean up of the Ranger and its crew.

Ah, and we received good news: the specialist Mar has invited as soon as she came to shore has diagnosed an outer ear lesion that must be looked after, but is not serious. She will be with us, along with many other great professionals in the next stage of our expedition in Gorringe Ridge, but that will not be for a few days.