September 18, 2018
13.5 Hours
6:00 – The raise the anchors while we’re still in bed, with a long trip ahead to our first diving spot, we set-off earlier than usual.
6:45 – Various alarm clocks ring at the same time, signaling another day of hard work lie ahead.
7:00 – The smell of a freshly-made food reaches its way to our bunks, Cris has our breakfast ready. Carlos, he’s in charge of the toasts.
“Pass me the coffee”.
“Anyone want more toast”?
“What’s in this juice”?
“Cris, is there any yoghurt”?
7:30 – The table talk over breakfast turns in to a game: we start quizzing Riki. We tell him the name of a species and he describes it. We start naming corals and he describes them, then come the crustaceans and the same, then to Pacific species… he never misses.
8:00 – Paperwork at our work areas until we reach the diving spot.
9:30 – As we approach our destination the hubbub begins. The divers start gearing-up so they don’t waste any precious time; it turns out we only have 2-hour window of good weather.
10:41– The divers jump into the water.
11:10 – Aimi and Rubén get into the inflatable boat to start the first set of rounds with the drop camera.
12:30 – The divers return. You could tell from their smiles that the visibility was better today.
13:00 – Cod for lunch. Delicious!
15:07 – The weather window stretches out for a bit. Aimi and Rubén dash towards the inflatable boat for another round with the drop camera and the rest of us on the boat take advantage of the weather to use the CTD and take a grab.
17:00 – The clock is ticking, we need to get to a safer area. But, first we must raise the inflatable out of the water before it gets dark and the wind increases. Kike catches the whole scene with his drone.
19:00 – We arrive in a natural harbor. The sight of houses surrounded by forest just a few meters from the Baltic is an amazing.
19:30 – Dinner is served. Tonight, it’s pasta with a variety of different sauces to choose from.
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