Ocean Council


The Ocean Council is a select group of academic, business, policy and philanthropic leaders who represent and support Oceana’s efforts on the global stage. Members provide a wide range of talents and resources to inform and support Oceana’s programming and the advancement of our mission.

Members Include:

Susan Cohn Rockefeller, Chair of the Ocean Council, Filmmaker and Activist

Lea Haratani, Vice Chair, Activist

Anne Alexander Rowley, Activist

Dr. Andrew Bevacqua, La Mer Max Huber Research Laboratories

Pierce Brosnan, Actor and Activist

Deborah Buck, Buck House 

Dan and Beth Cort, Cort Companies 

Andrew and Sydney Davis, Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation

Kelsey Grammer, Actor and Activist

Hardy Jones, Blue Voice

J. Stephen and Angela Kilcullen, United Bank of Switzerland

Eve Kornyei, Acra Aerospace

Larry Kopald, TKG

Willa and Ted Lutz, Activists

Carolyn Marks Blackwood, Filmmaker and Activist

Aaron Peirsol, Olympic Athlete and Ocean Advocate

Nicole Polizois, Activist

Linus Roache, Actor and Activist

Ruthie Russ, Ocean Advocate

Mark Ryavec, Activist

Victoria Stack, Activist and Philanthropist

Peter Stranger, The Rabuck Agency

Annett Wolf, WKT Public Relations

Nicole Woody, Cultivations, LLC


Full Oceana Council here


Contact Information:
120 East 56th Street, Suite 740
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: +1.212. 371.5017