Employment Opportunities


Oceana offers exciting full- and part-time job opportunities, fellowships and internships. All open positions are listed under “Available Positions” along with application instructions. When applying, please specify the title of the position you are seeking. You can e-mail (preferred method), mail or fax your cover letter and application materials. Please select only one method of submission.

Available Positions:




Thank you for considering Oceana as a possibility to broaden your expertise.

E-mail to: mlopez@oceana.org

OR regular mail to:

Position Title
Attn: Human Resources
Leganitos, 47 6ª planta
Madrid, 28013

OR fax to:

+34 91 144 08 90
Attn: Human Resources; Position Title

Oceana is an equal opportunity employer.



Oceana www.oceana.org campaigns to protect and restore the world’s oceans. Our teams of marine scientists, economists, lawyers and advocates win specific and concrete policy changes to reduce pollution and to prevent the irreversible collapse of fish populations, marine mammals and other sea life. Global in scope and dedicated to conservation, Oceana has campaigners based in North America ( Washington, DC; Juneau, AK; Los Angeles, CA ), Europe ( Madrid, Spain; Brussels, Belgium ) and South America ( Santiago, Chile ). More than 300,000 members and e-activists in over 150 countries have already joined Oceana.

Oceana is a non-governmental and international environmental organisation concerned with the protection of the oceans. On the issues it covers and in the arenas where it works Oceana is a well known and respected organization for the marine environment. The post is related to the Ocean European office http://oceana.org/europe